Work created at Frontier
Wordmark Refinement
The wordmark went through dozens of variations before being finalized. Beginning with a typeface, it quickly transformed into a completely custom mark where every character was obsessed over just as the client carefully crafts their products. A balance between wonky peculiarity and clear legibility is iteratively achieved as you see in the following video.


The Districts of Growtown
Growtown’s product line has four distinct ‘districts’ to explore which have each been given their own illustration. Central Station is their everyday value collection, Botanical Garden is a collection of exotic cannabinoids, The Emporium is a selection of experimental goods and Uptown is a collection of THC-forward products.
The Brand Shape Library
The visual system of Growtown is further complemented with a system of brand shapes categorized into Amoeba and Smoke libraries. These forms can be assembled together and arranged on custom merchandise and for web/digital purposes.

Brand Guidelines

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